Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Its foolish of me to think you care
foolish of me to expect you to want to be there
I will not lie still
and let you crush my will
I do not cross your mind
and one day you will find
that you miss some one you never knew
because you weren't present while i grew.
Emotions are not your strong suit
You craved the dispute
my baggage is full of miss guided attention
with no emphasis on affection
I do not hate you anymore
although the wound will always be sore
currently i am enjoying the distance
finally stepping out of the parental trance
I have an amazing giving heart
which i want to say you had a part
but sadly it was your brother
growing up i did not have a mother
basically i had a spoiled sister who always got her way
a glutton of pity and control and to this day
no one is willing to knock this princess out of her tower
she lives in a fantasy world drunk with power
she loves to play the victim
history has shown she will push against the system
My father was no help
She ignored their child while he slept
hard to protect your child from the love of your life
a defenseless child should come before your wife
but Their marriage came first
And I was degraded and cursed
While I searched for who I was
She was searching for love and devotion
Because of her lack of emotion
Love was a lesson she was unable to teach me
Which in the end left our emotional bond empty
In place she filled my soul
With insecurity that simply created a bigger hole
And ever so gently she placed a nicely wrapped
Present of outlandish phobias and the same endless search
As she sat innocent on her perch
Protected by the father she never had
Unfortunately he was also my dad.
So when her protector is gone
the day will come
when she has no one
and her appetite for self esteem will take her over
she will fall lower and lower
until the only thing that will save her
is letting go of the disappointment in her daughter
it would be unreasonable for me to think
that I would reciprocate, all this stink
but as far as a healthy relationship
in sight, is an infinite courtship
of tip-toeing on eggshells
watch while the groundswells

Thursday, July 18, 2013

My Step

Unexpected free fall
Domino's cascade down cheeks
My Thoughts hinder my freewill
Fighting for control exhausts my soul
Lashings from the one you chose
Feeble and small cross-legged in an office chair
Rectangles of awareness piled below
The system has been shut off
Only emptiness remains
Glimmer and glint of regret
The twinkle mocks you
clench your air way tightens
I scoff at the idea
Victims gather in protest
Numbers grow you shrink
The circus ensues
Music lights high wire and trapezes
The chaos gains ground
Cotton candy and popcorn
Your lion’s escape
Bound and gagged you witness the horror
Bloody domino's are all that remain
The twinkle held you captive
Your extinction will be everyone’s sigh of relief
Their piece was all you were after
Intentions on auto pilot
Your rise is in vein
You check in the aftermath
I wash my hands they still reek of the massacre
I sit on my step.