Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Cold and Crunchy

Desk, there is an urge to write when you sit at a desk. Why is this only once you get out of your academic years. People morph after school, they either get the drive from themselves or their parents push them to go to college. You are forced to make decisions that are going to build a foundation for the rest of your life. This one choice is going to be the structure of your career, the source of income, to feed your family, and make your mortgage payments. In some cases you avoid this choice, you rebel, maybe its laziness, maybe fear commitment, what ever the case may be you decide no college for you! The world and life will be your classroom! What drove you to this verdict? Could be a dramatic childhood, you are all out of toleration, twelve years of school under your parents wing was all your soul could take, you grab that diploma and bail, try to rebuild what your parents gnawed on for seventeen years, so you pack, what’s important to you and throw it along with your self out the window at 3 in the morning in a blaze of glory! This is the moment, it all begins! With your essentials… two pairs of shoes, all the cloths you can fit in a trash bag and the shampoo you lifted from your parents shower, you’re off! In a perfect world you and your high school sweetheart would have lived happily ever after, built a wonderful fairy tale life, 4 kids, a dog, and twenty thousand in credit card debt, living the American dream! However one of life’s big lessons, you are only in control of you, and trust is black in white. Again with the big choices, A. Suck up your pride, hang your head and move back home with your “loving” parents. B. Hold your head high full of hot air and loose dreams and continue your independent life. Little do you know that means living in your car for the next three months… You could have been half way through your second semester of college by now, but no, you are stubborn as an ox, doing things the hard way is unpredictable and your ADD likes that. After about a week of living in motel civic you run through clean laundry, and you would like to take a shower not in a sink, so you sneak in to the local rec. center use your stolen shampoo, wash your 2000 parts. Now that you are “so fresh and so clean clean”, its time to waddle around Wal-Mart, or the 24hr facility near you. Pride is a powerful thing, its educational value is endless, nutrition, and finance are big ones, i.e. a fourteen dollar family size box of corndogs can last you three weeks, six dollars worth of Ramón noodles will last you a month and a half if you save your left over’s, and if you sneak it in to the brake room at Wal-Mart you don’t have to eat it cold and crunchy. I have been told there is more then one road to heaven, needless to say your road could have been a lot less bumpy… but not with out its dismay, damaged and in an institution because your parents widdled away your self-worth, what if your first college report card of all A’s turned you and your parents around! But at what cost, would you have ended up in the wonderful niche you are in now, would you still be you… would of could of shouldn’t have…

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Have you ever lost yourself in your own life, you put little things aside for your significant other, starts small like what you watch on tv, or what you have for dinner, then it grows, where and who you hang out with your lines between honest and guilty blur. People forget what got them were they are now, they get comfortable and begin to slack off, hints one of the number one thing people scream out when they get divorced or see their significant other cheating on them.. "i don't know you anymore!" I believe people ware good disguises and with every big event they take off parts of this disguises little by little, to revile who they really are. or they are going through the same process we all do, your parents raise you to the best of their ability, beating the tippy top of their morals love kindness and self esteem in to a shell, hoping this little mold will apply them in all the right areas and grow up to have more then they had as children, or at least that is the intentions, but with every abusive relationship, whether it be intentional or subconscious the puzzle pieces get warped, and when the light turns on you fit your pieces back together dust of the degrading words pack all the traumatic situations up in luggage store all these bags on the top shelf of your identity closet and hope you can bear the weight. This is what makes up all the baggage you bring in to the next relationship, If you are lucky you will meet some one, or have enough memorable positive experiences that will build industrial reinforcements before the weigh of that shelf crashes down and crushes you. While you roll down this road of life you pick up little pieces of who you are, through idles, random people at walmart or on street corners, all the absolute worst places to shop for your identity, despite what your parents instilled in you, they can't shelter you from lives ghetto. soon this snowball is so huge and you are iced up inside, waiting for the sun to come out to melt the shafted snow and ice off from your overly chilled body. And when you are broken out you will not be you, you will be a new shell, waiting to be filled, standing on the corner with your newly jam packed baggage. at the end of this course, along with the crack heads children, alcoholic's children, abused children or all of the above, they will end up at the strip club, or screwing your way to the top of some mediocre company.

Unemployment Office

Company time. Why do people think they deserve to get paid, you get paid for your time, and your work, there for you do both, they pay you to put on a smile and pretend that you like your co-workers, be nice to customers, and to lend your services for eight hours a day. Do not just sit at your desk and pick your nose or talk on your phone and expect the company to keep you around. You are not babysitting Google; you are being paid for your services along with your productivity. I think all employers should pay employees minimum wage, and have a pay scale based on commission for wpm, amount of paperwork you push or how many slurpies and scratch-offs you sell. People have mastered the “look busy” technique. Growing up I heard my parents say “for all the time and energy you have spend whining about cleaning your room it could have been clean already.” If people directed their focus to actually working, or troubleshooting their position they might move up in the company or at the least keep a job for more then six months. The working mothers, I use “working” lightly, spend all their time wrangling their children on their cell phones, men surf sports scores and the brave stupid ones look up porn, you are guilty of “looking busy” from time to time, who hasn’t, but you have no right to protest when you get fired, and scream and rant on your way out how valuable you are to the company and they will be worthless with out you. In all reality they will hire another drone off Craig’s list to do your monkey paper pushing job, that will use the excuse “I am new and learning” for the first couple of weeks, then they will bust their butt for a few months, go home and brag to their husband that they are going to be running the company in six months tops! and then to their dismay they when they see the dirty politics in management and feel as if the pill popping HR lady falsely represented the position, resent the company i.e. “the man”, the bitterness will set in, then comes the solitaire and minesweeper marathon, which extends longer and longer each day till they get ballsie enough to look at porn or not clock out for their extended lunches, and poof their stapler and pictures of their dysfunctional children at the Alamo are thrown in a box, they make the walk of shame to the door clutching that box like its all they have left of their self worth cycle starts over. Then these wonderful entitled people demand unemployment… but that’s another blog!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Genes, supposedly they are linked to almost every condition, alcoholism, attention deficit, depression, addiction, and narcissism basically all the bad tion’s and ism’s. There is actually a study that is attempting to link genetic codes to suicide. That is a load of bull honky! If you dig far enough in to your family tree there is bound to be a handful of idiots that drank their problems away or pop pills to cope with the daily trauma of a hang nail. When it comes to the social diseases and labels, the only jeans that are at fault are the ones you pull your flask out of. The pill quick fix is a hoax, your problems may be masked by your adderall, ativan, and darvocet, but in reality they have a truck load of their own side effects. Insecure teenage girls hearts are exploding everywhere because of the pill popping generation. Single mommy’s take their diet pills and four-bars with 9 dollar coffee, on the way to the tanning salon, with their 5 year old in tow. These same mothers wonder why their daughters are addicted to something or pregnant at the age of 15. Weekly you get convinced by the little wind up doll that you are depressed, that I have to see green butterflies to sleep, and you want a sword on top of a mountain, maybe you should be a marine. The media has the wonderful power of persuasion. There is beer in every sitcom, drugs, physical, sexual and verbal abuse make for good movies, we are chasing the Hollywood dragon. All too soon The Hills will be reality and more and more 10 year old's will be divvying out oral favors in place of candy hearts with their sponge bob valentines. God help my hypothitical grand children.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Gods Karma

I have impenetrable faith, the details are my own, pray, meditate, plead, muse, what ever you call it, and I am having a hard time doing this for a person that dose not warrant… beats on women, has a wife and a girlfriend, physical pain is his fetish. This blog isn’t to witness. Simply asking how do you find the supernatural strength to pray from some one you loathe, as a person. Knowing it is not my place to discern the good and evils of this world, but when is it ok to put all else aside and say to the voice in your head, “he’s on his own” ? Now the cop out comes to mind “Its in gods hands!” or “Bless his heart!”. Far from that cynical of a person, to throw out some random statement that holds no water. Commited to my faith, even silly little arguments in my own subconscious. Weather you believe in Karma, God, Allah, Buda, the tooth fairy or Nothing, you are not alone in this world, everyone has a little voice in their head, not an auditable voice, of corse, but there is a emotional push and pull, you would be insane to say that you are in command of the full thought process when coming to a decision. My Jiminy Cricket is all asunder. To think I am going to burn in eternal dam nation, for not praying for this asshole is unreasonable, and vastly cynical, assured the loss of sleep is far fetched. The push and pull were some what unruly this afternoon, trying to decide whether to throw up my request for the Supreme Being to forgive this mans transgressions and grant him health, a daily gift I think he dose not deserve. If you haven’t noticed I write about things to ponder and give a little giggle, the sarcasm and hypocrisy run thick though out this blog.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Hello long lost friend! The comfort of writing an anonyms blog… Last night I sat with my husband for what seemed a still moment in time. oh yeah in the past four months since I have written, I got married been a busy few months I assumed the lack of people that read this could care less about the personal stuff so I go on to the random garbage. We were having our evening smoke and spotted two anoles, those little lizard gecko things you see at night around your porch lights hunting moths, which my big strong father is deathly scared of.. just a side note…back to my animal planet story…the man anole was courting the female, seen this stuff on the discovery channel but never literally in my own back yard. And yes like every other nerd out there I Wikkipidia-ed the anole… the fancy little red bib like thing is called a dewlap, which they dance around showing off while bobbing their heads up and down while the female “runs in temptation” and when she is ready to mate she will “allow him catch” her. a bit similar to how a sixteen year old will flash his mommy and daddy bought car in front of a female while she plays games, slides notes in his locker, flirts with his friends, till eventually giving in, this is how the mtv show 16 and pregnant came to be! I am not trying to trash “today’s youth” because I am barely out of the youth category my self, this was more so to point out how random and fascinating this was for me to watch, and the fact that my husband was just as intrigued, we sat there for about 30 minutes not saying a word watching them jump from the shed to the trash we had laying against the shed, scarcely missing each other, but defying death and gravity launching his throbbing red dewlap at her, and bob up and down as if he was calling out to her, semi romantic, and amazing that the anole is still in existence, in this immense amount of trash, enormous shed, and huge back yard, they managed to not get eaten by our dogs, or shredded by the lawn mower, and found each other! There’s a script for a life time movie if I ever saw one! So in conclusion… Either we witnessed one of gods little daily miracles, lizards have the sex drive of a 16 year old which lawn mowers and rabid dogs can not stop, or my husband and I are colossal nerds. The End..