Company time. Why do people think they deserve to get paid, you get paid for your time, and your work, there for you do both, they pay you to put on a smile and pretend that you like your co-workers, be nice to customers, and to lend your services for eight hours a day. Do not just sit at your desk and pick your nose or talk on your phone and expect the company to keep you around. You are not babysitting
Google; you are being paid for your services along with your productivity. I think all employers should pay employees
minimum wage, and have a
pay scale based on commission for wpm, amount of paperwork you push or how many slurpies and scratch-offs you sell. People have mastered the “look busy” technique. Growing up I heard my parents say “for all the time and energy you have spend whining about cleaning your room it could have been clean already.” If people directed their focus to actually working, or troubleshooting their position they might move up in the company or at the least keep a job for more then six months. The working mothers, I use “working” lightly, spend all their time wrangling their children on their cell phones, men surf sports scores and the brave stupid ones look up porn, you are guilty of “looking busy” from time to time, who hasn’t, but you have no right to protest when you get fired, and scream and rant on your way out how valuable you are to the company and they will be worthless with out you. In all reality they will hire another drone off Craig’s list to do your monkey paper pushing job, that will use the excuse “I am new and learning” for the first couple of weeks, then they will bust their butt for a few months, go home and brag to their husband that they are going to be running the company in six months tops! and then to their dismay they when they see the dirty politics in management and feel as if the pill popping HR lady falsely represented the position, resent the company i.e. “the man”, the bitterness will set in, then comes the solitaire and minesweeper marathon, which extends longer and longer each day till they get ballsie enough to look at porn or not clock out for their extended lunches, and poof their stapler and pictures of their dysfunctional children at the Alamo are thrown in a box, they make the walk of shame to the door clutching that box like its all they have left of their self worth cycle starts over. Then these wonderful entitled people demand unemployment… but that’s another blog!
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