Genes, supposedly they are linked to almost every condition, alcoholism, attention deficit, depression, addiction, and narcissism basically all the bad tion’s and ism’s. There is actually a study that is attempting to link genetic codes to suicide. That is a load of bull honky! If you dig far enough in to your family tree there is bound to be a handful of idiots that drank their problems away or pop pills to cope with the daily trauma of a hang nail. When it comes to the social diseases and labels, the only jeans that are at fault are the ones you pull your flask out of. The pill quick fix is a hoax, your problems may be masked by your adderall, ativan, and darvocet, but in reality they have a truck load of their own side effects. Insecure teenage girls hearts are exploding everywhere because of the pill popping generation. Single mommy’s take their diet pills and four-bars with 9 dollar coffee, on the way to the tanning salon, with their 5 year old in tow. These same mothers wonder why their daughters are addicted to something or pregnant at the age of 15. Weekly you get convinced by the little wind up doll that you are depressed, that I have to see green butterflies to sleep, and you want a sword on top of a mountain, maybe you should be a marine. The media has the wonderful power of persuasion. There is beer in every sitcom, drugs, physical, sexual and verbal abuse make for good movies, we are chasing the Hollywood dragon. All too soon The Hills will be reality and more and more 10 year old's will be divvying out oral favors in place of candy hearts with their sponge bob valentines. God help my hypothitical grand children.
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