Hello long lost friend! The comfort of writing an anonyms blog… Last night I sat with my husband for what seemed a still moment in time. oh yeah in the past four months since I have written, I got married been a busy few months I assumed the lack of people that read this could care less about the personal stuff so I go on to the random garbage. We were having our evening smoke and spotted two anoles, those little lizard gecko things you see at night around your porch lights hunting moths, which my big strong father is deathly scared of.. just a side note…back to my animal planet story…the man anole was courting the female, seen this stuff on the discovery channel but never literally in my own back yard. And yes like every other nerd out there I Wikkipidia-ed the anole… the fancy little red bib like thing is called a dewlap, which they dance around showing off while bobbing their heads up and down while the female “runs in temptation” and when she is ready to mate she will “allow him catch” her. a bit similar to how a sixteen year old will flash his mommy and daddy bought car in front of a female while she plays games, slides notes in his locker, flirts with his friends, till eventually giving in, this is how the mtv show 16 and pregnant came to be! I am not trying to trash “today’s youth” because I am barely out of the youth category my self, this was more so to point out how random and fascinating this was for me to watch, and the fact that my husband was just as intrigued, we sat there for about 30 minutes not saying a word watching them jump from the shed to the trash we had laying against the shed, scarcely missing each other, but defying death and gravity launching his throbbing red dewlap at her, and bob up and down as if he was calling out to her, semi romantic, and amazing that the anole is still in existence, in this immense amount of trash, enormous shed, and huge back yard, they managed to not get eaten by our dogs, or shredded by the lawn mower, and found each other! There’s a script for a life time movie if I ever saw one! So in conclusion… Either we witnessed one of gods little daily miracles, lizards have the sex drive of a 16 year old which lawn mowers and rabid dogs can not stop, or my husband and I are colossal nerds. The End..
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