Desk, there is an urge to write when you sit at a desk. Why is this only once you get out of your academic years. People morph after school, they either get the drive from themselves or their parents push them to go to college. You are forced to make decisions that are going to build a foundation for the rest of your life. This one choice is going to be the structure of your career, the source of income, to feed your family, and make your mortgage payments. In some cases you avoid this choice, you rebel, maybe its laziness, maybe fear commitment, what ever the case may be you decide no college for you! The world and life will be your classroom! What drove you to this verdict? Could be a dramatic childhood, you are all out of toleration, twelve years of school under your parents wing was all your soul could take, you grab that diploma and bail, try to rebuild what your parents gnawed on for seventeen years, so you pack, what’s important to you and throw it along with your self out the window at 3 in the morning in a blaze of glory! This is the moment, it all begins! With your essentials… two pairs of shoes, all the cloths you can fit in a trash bag and the shampoo you lifted from your parents shower, you’re off! In a perfect world you and your high school sweetheart would have lived happily ever after, built a wonderful fairy tale life, 4 kids, a dog, and twenty thousand in credit card debt, living the American dream! However one of life’s big lessons, you are only in control of you, and trust is black in white. Again with the big choices, A. Suck up your pride, hang your head and move back home with your “loving” parents. B. Hold your head high full of hot air and loose dreams and continue your independent life. Little do you know that means living in your car for the next three months… You could have been half way through your second semester of college by now, but no, you are stubborn as an ox, doing things the hard way is unpredictable and your ADD likes that. After about a week of living in motel civic you run through clean laundry, and you would like to take a shower not in a sink, so you sneak in to the local rec. center use your stolen shampoo, wash your 2000 parts. Now that you are “so fresh and so clean clean”, its time to waddle around Wal-Mart, or the 24hr facility near you. Pride is a powerful thing, its educational value is endless, nutrition, and finance are big ones, i.e. a fourteen dollar family size box of corndogs can last you three weeks, six dollars worth of Ramón noodles will last you a month and a half if you save your left over’s, and if you sneak it in to the brake room at Wal-Mart you don’t have to eat it cold and crunchy. I have been told there is more then one road to heaven, needless to say your road could have been a lot less bumpy… but not with out its dismay, damaged and in an institution because your parents widdled away your self-worth, what if your first college report card of all A’s turned you and your parents around! But at what cost, would you have ended up in the wonderful niche you are in now, would you still be you… would of could of shouldn’t have…
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