Have you ever lost yourself in your own life, you put little things aside for your significant other, starts small like what you watch on
tv, or what you have for dinner, then it grows, where and who you hang out with your lines between honest and guilty blur. People forget what got them were they are now, they get comfortable and begin to slack off, hints one of the number one thing people scream out when they get divorced or see their significant other cheating on them.. "i don't know you anymore!" I believe people ware good disguises and with every big event they take off parts of this disguises little by little, to revile who they really are. or they are going through the same process we all do, your parents raise you to the best of their ability, beating the
tippy top of their morals love kindness and self esteem in to a shell, hoping this little mold will apply them in all the right areas and grow up to have more then they had as children, or at least that is the intentions, but with every
abusive relationship, whether it be intentional or subconscious the puzzle pieces get warped, and when the light turns on you fit your pieces back together dust of the degrading words pack all the traumatic situations up in luggage store all these bags on the top shelf of your identity closet and hope you can bear the weight. This is what makes up all the baggage you bring in to the next relationship, If you are lucky you will meet some one, or have enough memorable positive
experiences that will build industrial reinforcements before the weigh of that shelf crashes down and crushes you. While you roll down this road of life you pick up little pieces of who you are, through idles, random people at
walmart or on
street corners, all the absolute worst places to shop for your identity, despite what your parents instilled in you, they can't shelter you from lives ghetto. soon this snowball is so huge and you are iced up inside, waiting for the sun to come out to melt the shafted snow and ice off from your overly chilled body. And when you are broken out you will not be you, you will be a new shell, waiting to be filled,
standing on the corner with your newly jam packed baggage. at the end of this course, along with the crack heads children, alcoholic's children, abused children or all of the above, they will end up at the strip club, or screwing your way to the top of some mediocre company.