I have impenetrable faith, the details are my own, pray, meditate, plead, muse, what ever you call it, and I am having a hard time doing this for a person that dose not warrant… beats on women, has a wife and a girlfriend, physical pain is his fetish. This blog isn’t to witness. Simply asking how do you find the supernatural strength to pray from some one you loathe, as a person. Knowing it is not my place to discern the good and evils of this world, but when is it ok to put all else aside and say to the voice in your head, “he’s on his own” ? Now the cop out comes to mind “Its in gods hands!” or “Bless his heart!”. Far from that cynical of a person, to throw out some random statement that holds no water. Commited to my faith, even silly little arguments in my own subconscious. Weather you believe in Karma, God, Allah, Buda, the tooth fairy or Nothing, you are not alone in this world, everyone has a little voice in their head, not an auditable voice, of corse, but there is a emotional push and pull, you would be insane to say that you are in command of the full thought process when coming to a decision. My Jiminy Cricket is all asunder. To think I am going to burn in eternal dam nation, for not praying for this asshole is unreasonable, and vastly cynical, assured the loss of sleep is far fetched. The push and pull were some what unruly this afternoon, trying to decide whether to throw up my request for the Supreme Being to forgive this mans transgressions and grant him health, a daily gift I think he dose not deserve. If you haven’t noticed I write about things to ponder and give a little giggle, the sarcasm and hypocrisy run thick though out this blog.