Whirlpool of emotion, I have constant caution, Every subject is fragile, This long decent is gradual, Desperate gestures fall short, No resolution of sort, Judgment swiming upside down, At your feet is YOUR crown, Relief is buried in bitterness, Endless screams of distress, The ghosts of my tears surrender, This path is clever… I wrestle urges to mend your mistakes, apologize for your transgressions But these are not my possessions, I can not fight your wars, Because then I will own the scars, I will stand in my seat, And place MY crown at your feet, Self denounced royalty, We do not climb simply, We rise from the horror, Stripped of our honor, Our royalty is shattered, The perfection of the title doesn’t matter, The conflict prevents the lust, Our perfect is not the norm, emotional chaos unites us, Our love will disfigure all preceded agony, We will survive in holy matrimony.